8 toυchiпg photos of the momeпt yoυ are a mother for the first time


When did you first experience maternal feelings? Was it the first time you held your child in your arms? or learning you were going to grow your family by one more member? Here are eight moving images depicting the exact moment you realized you were a mother for the first time—pictures taken as they experienced that overwhelming, unexplainable feeling of motherhood for the first time.

  1. When they put both of my twins on my chest

When they put both of my twins on my chest! ??After five years of infertility, an e.ctopic pregnancy, t.raumatic labour and birth, I was so happy to finally see their faces! Tears of joy.“- Colleen B.

  1. Wasn’t allowed to touch him for 2 weeks

“I felt like a mom and cried like a baby this day because my sweet 32-weeker followed my voice and stared at me for an hour even though I wasn’t allowed to touch him for two weeks. He is our miracle baby after six years of infertility.”-Kayla R.

  1. Whenever my babies look at me like I’m their person

“I felt like a mom when I heard that first heartbeat in the Dr.’s office. But also whenever my babies look at me like I’m their person, I’m mama in that moment nothing else matters and everything else can wait.”-Claudia C.

  1. Skin to skin

“I felt like a mom when I heard that first heartbeat in the Dr.’s office. But also whenever my babies look at me like I’m their person, I’m mama in that moment nothing else matters and everything else can wait.”-Claudia C.

  1. My rainbow baby

“After four m.iscarriages, getting to deliver my rainbow baby.”-Kenzie S.

  1. A few hours right after delivery

“This was taken a few hours after delivery. He is my rainbow baby after three miscarriages. My first words to him were, ‘we did it sweetie.’”-Bria C.

  1. The moment the nurse from the fertility clinic called

“I knew the moment the nurse from the fertility clinic rang to say my bloods came back positive and my IUI was successful. This is my beautiful boy Stanley – He’s now four and eagerly awaiting the arrival of his little sister in August.”-Lisa H.

  1. Trying to figure out how to breastfeed

“My husband took this, my little smoosh was 4 days old and there I was trying to figure out how to breastfeed. That’s when I felt like a mom. My body still felt like it belonged to him.”-Cinthia Perez.

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