A Puppy’s Plight: The Heartbreaking Story of a Vicious Glue and Mud Attack

A poor dog was found in Istanbul, Türkiye in an extremely miserable condition. His body was stiff like a statue. It is known that a group of children poured glue on the poor dog for fun.

The little dog was used as entertainment by a group of cruel children.

After filling the little dog with glue, the cruel children still did not let go, they continued to drown it in the mud. They tortured the dog and then left, leaving the poor dog unable to resist, trying to use the last bit of strength to remove the glue and mud stuck to his fur by shaking his body and rolling on the ground. But the dog’s efforts seemed hopeless. Soon the glue dried, became as hard as cement, and prevented the blood from circulating in its body.

Finally, people found the desperate and scared dog lying in a corner and took it to a safe shelter before the international rescue station arrived to provide emergency aid.

Phẫn nộ cảnh chú chó con bị đổ đầy keo và bùn lên người để làm trò giải trí cho lũ trẻ - Ảnh 2.

Phẫn nộ cảnh chú chó con bị đổ đầy keo và bùn lên người để làm trò giải trí cho lũ trẻ - Ảnh 3.

Pascal was just a puppy, but his eyes showed maturity, an indescribable feeling of pain when betrayed.

The dog’s spirit was seriously damaged after the shock he had just experienced. Even though he was at the rescue station, Pascal – the name people gave him – always avoided people. Pascal crawled into a dark corner and lay down, looking at everyone with caution and fear.

On Wednesday, Pascal’s condition was updated. People removed the glue from its body, but due to insufficient blood circulation, one of Pascal’s ears became magnetized.

Doctors at the rescue station said that next week they will conduct Pascal’s blood tests and conduct other necessary treatment steps. One person said: “We will do our best and not let Pascal go through this alone. We will take care of him until Pascal is fully recovered.”

Phẫn nộ cảnh chú chó con bị đổ đầy keo và bùn lên người để làm trò giải trí cho lũ trẻ - Ảnh 4.

Phẫn nộ cảnh chú chó con bị đổ đầy keo và bùn lên người để làm trò giải trí cho lũ trẻ - Ảnh 5.

After the incident, Pascal’s spirit was seriously damaged.


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