Double the Love: Exploring the Beauty of Being Pregnant with Multiples

Pregnancy is fascinating and the chances of getting pregnant with multiples are very small. And couples with multiple pregnancies are called very lucky couples. And these mothers deserve a round of applause for hosting more than one human at a time! Others feel bad for the mother, thinking that mothers stop feeling a lot of pain from having such a big belly. As fun as it sounds, being pregnant with multiples presents a higher risk for both the ƄeƄes and the mother, so close monitoring is needed throughout the period. You can follow the journey of each of them on Instagram below.

  1. Lindsay’s quads were born at 31 weeks.

2. This woman who was about 25 weeks pregnant with twins. Wanda gave birth to her twins at 35 weeks.

3. This woman was 33 weeks pregnant with triplets. The triplets Judit, Sofia, Szilʋia were born at around 35 weeks.

4. This woman was 36 weeks pregnant with twins. Sierra’s twins were born at around 37 weeks.

5. This woman was 34 weeks pregnant with triplets. Charlotte’s triplets were born at 34 weeks.

6.This woman was about 36 weeks pregnant with triplets. Betsy’s triplets were born at term and went home two days after birth.

7. 20 weeks of twin pregnancy. The O’Driscoll twins were born at 36 weeks.

8. This woman was 35 weeks pregnant with triplets. Erin gave birth to her triplets for the first time at 36 weeks.

9. Mother of triplets shows off her pre and postpartum! Michelle gave birth to triplets: Charles, Theodore and Gabriel, by caesarean section. The delivery took place at 35 weeks of her pregnancy.

10. This woman who shared the progression of her pregnancy week after week with triplets. Maria’s triplets were born two days after the year’s photo, at 35 weeks.

Source: 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦news

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