Baba Vanga’s Chilling Predictions for the Future Revealed – “Europe’s Nightmare in 2025”.

The American New York Post published the future predictions of Baba Vanga, the famous female prophet known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans.”

The American New York Post published the future predictions of Baba Vanga, the famous female prophet known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans.”

Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người và văn bản cho biết '"THE END IS NEAR"'

Previously, 85% of this prophet’s predictions came true.

Below are Ms. Vanga’s predictions about the future from 2016 onwards.

2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe. The invasion would last for many years, causing the European population to gradually disappear and the entire continent to become a dead land.

2023: The Earth’s orbit will change (no one yet understands what this means).

2025: Europe’s population will drop to nearly zero.

2028: Humans will go to Venus to find new energy sources

2033: Sea levels will rise and the polar ice caps will melt (this is actually happening)

2043: Europe becomes an Islamic state, with Rome as its capital. The world economy develops thanks to Islamic rule.

2066: Americans use a climate-changing weapon for the first time to reclaim Rome and restore Christianity.

Year 2076: Communism returns to Europe and the rest of the world.

Year 2100: An artificial Sun illuminates the part of the Earth in darkness (this is also becoming possible, because scientists are finding ways to create an artificial Sun using nuclear technology).

2084: Nature is reborn (no one is sure what this means yet)

Year 2130: Thanks to the help of aliens, Earth’s civilization will move underwater.

Year 2170: A major global drought

Year 2187: Two major volcanic eruptions were successfully prevented.

Year 2201: Earth’s temperature drops due to slowing solar activity

Year 2262: Planetary orbits gradually change. Mars will be threatened by a comet

2354: A malfunction of the artificial Sun causes more droughts

Year 2480: Two artificial Suns will collide and plunge the Earth into darkness.

Year 3005: A war on Mars will change the planet’s orbit.

Year 3010: Comet will hit the Moon. Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rocks and dust

Year 3797: Everything on Earth perishes. However, human science and technology have developed enough to move to another star system./.

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